Bancroft: A band with more balls than the NBAi>

Bancroft: A band with more balls than the NBA

Written by: Jeannette Dailey

Its 12:10am in the sleepy town of Newton Falls, OH and I’m watching a miracle take place before my very eyes. This year’s annual carnival proved more than just dinky childish rides and fried food. It was the site of true musicians. Something I always believed to be as mythical as the unicorn. Among a sea of crowded fans, we all gazed up at the only attraction left lit in the small park. The stage where the band Bancroft was wrapping up their final song.

With a city ordinance shutting down all the fun by midnight, it was more than heartbreaking to see the show screech to a halt. Hardcore fans of all ages had no hesitation starting chants of “encore” as the band began disconnecting equipment. Any group would have been more than ecstatic to fulfill the greedy request. The eager guys looked over at the testy authorities, but because time had spilled over already, the show was killed faster than a pesky mosquito.

“We fought the law and the law won.” Proclaimed guitarist Brett Duffy into the microphone.

Any other band would have respected the decision, given into “the man”, and closed up shop. But as I’ve already mentioned, Bancroft are true musicians. Despite the city ordinance, yelling authorities, and a sound board guy racing to unplug the tunes; lead singer Andy Hutchinson stood proudly on that stage. Rebelling against the very town they hail from, he continued to play acoustically as we all watched on with cheers of admiration. Moments later his triumph was over.

The band’s love of music and their adoring fan base had them flirting with the chance of incarceration. I was witness to an event comparable to that of finding a four leaf clover. That’s just Bancroft’s style.

For a group that’s been broadcasted nationally over 200 radio stations, and was even part of the coveted South by Southwest music festival in Austin Texas, they remain pretty down to earth. Although the majority of members are from Newton Falls, they all now reside in Bowling Green where they make quite a name for themselves playing at local alcohol oasis and small venues. The guys told me stories of rocking out in cramped college bars, and even sleeping in their tour van in between shows. They are not above doing what it takes to get their catchy tunes and instrumental feats heard by anyone willing to lend a curious ear.

The guys describe themselves as “…four hardworking beautiful men who love to play their music and are on a mission to take it to the top.” And I must say, I couldn’t have phrased it better myself.

With their latest cd, The Melophobic Solution , being released in the fall of 2005, Bancroft have been on the touring ball ever since. And as of now, very few copies are available to demanding hands. With a sound that mirrors a mixture of Weezer, Radiohead, and Offspring it’s nothing close to a surprise. I was impressed when I learned that the record was laid down in a small basement. However I was blown away when I heard the final product. Songs like “The Hook Up” and “Hollow Perfect Body” held lyrics that, as catchy as they are, had honest details of the casual relationships our generation is so famous for. It wasn’t long before melodies were imbedded in my brain and I was singing along with the crisp, yet raspy voice of Hutchinson. As much as I fell in love with the fresh sound of their record, I can’t stress enough the importance of seeing these guys play live.

The friendly carnival going town folk that surrounded me weren’t shy in boasting about these young men. One of the many highlights of Bancroft’s showcase was the musical talent exhibited by the bass player, Dave Nemet. As if learning to play bass at a young age isn’t enough of an accomplishment, its said Nemet can play any instrument placed in front of him. Throughout the display of songs, I was able to witness the members of Bancroft switching instruments. Nemet went from bass, to drums and backup vocals showcasing his true love for all things musical.

No one even needed to introduce the finger work of Duffy. His guitar solos were simply indescribable. Duffy’s hands moved quickly and without error, bringing an emotion to their songs that could only be felt in person, rather than recorded on a disk. He brought to mind the stand out guitar solos of the hard rock band Avenged Sevenfold, with a laid back tone and no eyeliner.

Although I’d say Bancroft’s sound would fit the alternative genre, they are geniuses musically as well. At one point, towards the end of the night, they played the notes to Weezer’s hit “Undone” and sang the lyrics to a Wu Tang Clan song I wasn’t familiar with. I have to say that was the first time I’d ever heard such a fusion of genres combined live and done so without missing a beat. The eccentric blend went together effortlessly better than peanut butter and jelly, giving a perfect musical snack as we all just stared up at the pedestal Bancroft was placed upon.

To embellish the hooks of The Melophobic Solution, they would take breaks from a chorus and have “jam sessions” featuring drums, auxiliary percussion, and the roar of the crowd. Obviously these fellows have perfected a bond with each other so strong, that musically they can do no wrong. During an extremely dramatic finale, every member exhibited their musical prowess. Drummer Mark Poseler not only had skills while dripping sweat and banging away, he even aided Hutchinson in fulfilling the crowds requests by grabbing the reins of lead vocals to belt out ACDC’s classic “TNT”.

They were able to successfully play all requests of the fans and prove that they hold the potential to do greater things than some small town carnival show. I’m positive I was not the only new-comer who was won over by Bancroft’s charm. It’s unusually nice to see a band on the scene that cares more about the music itself, rather than the cliché of sex and drugs. Although they are definitely a minority in such a vain business, this talented quartet is an honest example of what the local band should stand for. They give the fans what they want, great music and an energetic show. And the fans definitely gave right back in return. I don’t think that this is the last we will hear from Bancroft.