Anti-Bush Speech [9-11 Concert] (JMcQ)

Bush is not a chimp. Bush is not a moron. By using these descriptors, people are selling him short, giving him the agency he needs to kill over 12,000 individuals in Iraq and allow for the most egregious destructions of liberty. We must give Bush his due, for he is the one that has allowed these soldiers to die, he is the one restraining protestors in Guantanamo, and he is the one that has seemingly nothing better to do than to ensure that GLBT people cannot marry.

In each stage of his life, Bush has been creating a persona of an imbecile just so people can discount him. What becomes frightening is the fundamentalist streak that continues to be shown in each interview, each time that Bush mentions how God has blessed us all. Individuals are made by the company they keep; that is why someone like General Boykin, General in Iraq, has said of Bush: "Why is this man in the White House? The majority of Americans did not vote for him. He's in the White House because God put him there for a time such as this." Individuals primarily fueled on by some satisfaction that they are divinely chosen by God feel they are always right; we see one in the White house that feels this way just like we see Palestinian suicide bombers, terrorists that bomb abortion clinics, and ministers that proclaim that �God Hates Fags�.

In contrast to the claims levied against Bush, Bush is a true Machiavellian scholar, pointing mobs stoked up by inflammatory rhetoric into doing his bidding. When an individual like Bush plays on the fear of individuals, whether it be fears of another terrorist attack or fears about one�s sexuality, he wins power off of the suffering of others. Your fear of being attacked by terrorist, he is there with the Patriot Act. Fearing that you might like guys a little too much, he�s there with support for a Constitutional amendment that bands gay marriage.

Elections are coming in less that two months, but Bush may have his little hands in that as well. Walden O�Dell, CEO of Diebold, one of the leaders of voting machine technology, has said that he is �committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year.� However, if everyone gets out and votes November 2, trying to oust Bush from power, electoral fraud would be much harder to accomplish. Current polls show Bush leading in Ohio anywhere from 4 to 11 percentage points, but that is only taking into account currently registered voters.

Now, Kerry is not the best individual for the job. Al Sharpton or Howard Dean would have made a better candidate for president. Idealism or realism is what this election boils down to, and this means do you want to vote for a candidate that more closely matches your preferences and attitudes or do you just want to vote Bush out of office? All of us can agree that Bush needs to be thrown out of office at the first possible chance, but we have to seriously consider the construction or allowance by the Bush camp of a terrorist attack causing a change in the election date.

While the agencies currently in place do not have the ability to reschedule a national election, Homeland Security could pass emergency legislation about that very topic. The only reason why this would be a worry is that a rescheduled election would be more beneficial for the traditionally richer, more Republican forces. This makes sense as richer individuals will have more of a chance to reschedule appointments/take off work to vote on a newly scheduled day than the more Democratic union workers that wouldn�t be able to subsist if they had to take an hour or two off of work.

Bush has this election locked down if we respond with the same apathy that marred the 2000 elections. We still have two months to sign people to vote, get them there on whatever day the election happens, and ensure that Bush is a one-term president. Things may seem tough, but remember, there are always individuals who believe in the same things as we do and will fight, whether or not they are a skater, a burger-flipper, a CPA, or even a teacher. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it.