Age of Consent by JMcQ [InterStitial #3]

Age of Consent by JMcQ

Look at the age of consent form from . This may seem sort of random being here in the magazine, but I feel as if it makes perfect sense. While I feel that sex is something that should be allowed in all consentual cases, there are fifty different sets of laws to deal with in the United States, even when one doesn�t count the myriad of national and district laws. Sex is fun, but it can also get someone thrown in the slammer or branded a sexual offender even if the liason was between a 17 and an 18 year old that had been dating for years. In the revolutionary sense, the ultimate goal would be to abolish some of the arbitrary rules that makes it seem that Arizona feels that their children are able of giving consent at 18 while South Carolina deems them mature enough at 14.

Fact is, the age of consent may have been a well-meaning law, but is so indelibly tainted by the moral bullshit that legislators carry around with them. This is a law that is easily avoided, as well. If you are dating someone who is slightly younger than the law would allow for, get all chummy with the person in question�s family. I�ve had two friends who were over 21 dating people under 18, and after showing to those people�s families that they were mature, upstanding adults, the bonds created would ensure that a vindictive parent that would call the police on them was never part of the picture.

When individuals are trying to create change, the worst thing that can happen is if they are arrested for stupid shit. An individual here in my local scene was talking about creating a venue for all the local bands to play at, and ey was arrested for destroying a squat. Getting arrested for statutory rape is another one of those stupid crimes that can be combated fairly easily, but will be on your record, forever, if you won�t just meet with the parents or guardians. Sex can be fun, and safe too, if you just work by a few guidelines and ensure that the po-po�s won�t be sodomizing you with a broomstick after arresting you on trumped up charges.

The two charts above describe the age of male-female and queer consensual sex. This list may be outdated in some instances, so always make sure to check up with the reference librarian at the local library (call them with the *67 blocker, if you are worried about a trace) for the current laws concerning consent. Oh, wear protection / take the pill / get sterilized somehow, too. Tons of potential revolutionaries have been cut off from any possible anti-state action because �it doesn�t feel the same� or �it was too much work� to use a form of protection. Use your head so we can smash the fist of tyranny.