Postscript (JMCQ)

When I finally got home for summer, I had thought that my schedule would be less slightly hectic that it was while it was at school. I was completely wrong about that, as this first month I’ve been at home has been nothing more than four weeks of business, whether it has been compiling my compilation, finishing up this issue of the zine, getting together local concerts, or even just working. The only time that I could even construe as being downtime will occur after the Allied Media Conference this weekend, which I was still not honestly into because of all this previous work. It was really Jamez Terry who got my spirit up about it, and my hands rushing to type up whatever material I still needed for this issue of NeuFutur.

I am still just as tired as I was after a long day of schoolwork topped off by hours of meetings and other commitments. I still don’t have any idea what it feels like to completely lounge around, as on two of my days off, I have sat on the phone calling places to compare prices (first, to prices venues for the first show and second, to get prices for however much this issue is to print). I’ve tried to give Alicia the time that ey deserves, but with my time being sucked up in that matter, I feel as if I have let that commitment slip by the wayside. It is cliché, but there are just too few hours in the day to possibly allow for everything I want to get done done. This issue is over a month late, owing more to the fact of the end-of-the-year rush and post-school laziness than anything, and while I have rushed this last week to finish it up, I still feel it to be one of the most representative pieces I have ever written.

While the tone of this issue is extremely depressing, I can’t say that life has been incredibly horrible. Sure, my outlook on matters may be a downer, but life is pretty much the same as it has always been, with the same ennui that I have felt year after year. The day-to-day dealings, the stopping over to the house by buddies is slightly different than in years past, and has served to pass the days slightly faster than in previous years. I still would like a day or two spread out over this summer where I could just laze around, and my parents may have paved the way for that – they announced to me only last night that we might go out to Pittsburgh to see family and friends. I don’t know how Kmart is going to react to me asking off for another few days, but this I will just have to see.

I still don’t know if I will have the $1500 in my bank account that I had set my goals at for the end of this summer. My grandmother’s house has not sold yet, and while it could sell any day, the simple fact is that the economy is horrid right now and the housing market completely inundated with nice houses for low prices. If my mother does happen to sell that house, I could possibly see some of the proceeds from that; otherwise, it will be a race to see if I can pull in and retail all of that money. This trip up to AMC isn’t cheap: $51 (I only hope) to print this issue, $45 there to get in and have a table, another $30 or so for food). At least, as I have said before, AMC is the most fun annual event that I’ve ever been to.

I’ll get to see Kelly and Jamez again, which is always a plus. I know Jamez has tried to come out here before to the Lancaster house, but I was still at school and not able to see him. I can wait a year to see him, but I would like to see him more often – perhaps there is a way I can get out to Colorado and check out some of the graduate schools there (yea, and monkeys will fly out of my ass). The only thing I can reasonably look forward to in the terms of slack-time is this two week or so period between AMC and my July 6th show, which will continue to raise money for my much-delayed compilation, Lancaster Vs Greencastle. After the show, I’ll have to finish photoshopping the back cover and such of the CD, and calling up CD Centric (who MattD at Datawaslost Records gives the highest ratings) to print out a thousand of these bad mothers.