Tobacco Control by Squishy

Tobacco Control by Squishy

So you decided that you want to smoke. You are part of the group that has just given up part of their freedom. It's as easy as lighting up your cigarette, breathing in a puff of smoke, and bang you're addicted. Have you ever wondered WHY you are addicted? Why you can't stop smoking? I bet you don't even know how many additives are put in that little cigarette for no reason other than to control you.

The prices of a pack of cigarettes are fluctuating because of the government, YOUR government. So since you are addicted to the bullshit that they put in it, they know with ease that you will pay for it. Why? Because YOU CAN'T QUIT THE SHIT! You are just like the 46.5 million Americans who are addicted. You and the rest are paying 3 to 4 fucking dollars for one pack and there is no goddamn reason. There is no reason they should be adding those ingredients. There is also no reason you should even pick up the habit of smoking. So what, you have a little buzz? Great￿ now that you are being controlled, let￿s all have a break and smoke a cigarette.

So as I said earlier in this article, 46.5 million Americans are addicted to cigarettes. Over 90 fucking percent of those Americans got addicted when they were in their teenage years. So the question is, why is the legal age 18? A quote from an anonymous tobacco industry said, ￿Raising the legal minimum age for cigarette purchase to 21 could gut our key young adult market (17-20) where we sell about 25 billion cigarettes and enjoy a 70 percent market share.￿ Interesting. They will do ANYTHING for their market not to collapse. So why ISN￿T the government raising the age from 18 to 21? Don￿t they know that it will take most of the tobacco away from teenagers? Since most of us can easily obtain cigarettes, either by going in and buying them ourselves because we look 18 or they just don￿t care, or having our friends go in and buy for us. I think the reason is, the younger you start to smoke, the faster you get addicted, the more cigarettes you￿ll buy, and the more money they get.

So smoke if you want to, let the government have you where they want you. They need money, and they know how to get it. They are also laughing right now and saying "HAHAHAHA! They are smoking poison, it's wonderful, isn't it kids? Well good! Because I'm going to fluctuate the prices by 5 cents everyday like gasoline!￿ Ever wondered why they do that? Why can￿t a price for a pack of cigarettes stay the same like a candy bar or a can of Coca-Cola? Cigarette manufacturers have been FORCED to raise prices. Why? It￿s because they need to cover their own damn expenses. One of those is being a 246 billion-dollar settlement and separate agreements with at least four other states. The day in which that occurred, that it became official, cigarettes jumped up 45 cents a fucking pack. The first federal excise tax increase happened in 1951 and it has been rising dramatically ever since then. Do you really want to keep paying more and more for something you really don't need? You can not help it. You are addicted. I hear this all the time, so why don￿t you take a stand and quit?

All of these anti-smoking ads that come from the government are ridiculous. If they really wanted you to stop, wouldn'￿'t they make a bill suggesting that cigarettes be illegal? Of course this is just my opinion, but it all seems a little fishy to me. It's all a marketing technique to say, we aren￿t the bad guys, look what we are doing to try and let people know of the harm of smoking? But are they showing you the real harm? Your health isn￿t the only thing you should be worried about. The question remains, are you really free?

Another thing I think I should mention is, you know those little tiny ads on the side of a pack of cigarettes; The ones that starts out by saying ￿Surgeon General￿s Warning￿? My favorite quote is from Judith Wilkenfeld. She said, ￿the side of the pack is not what I would call clear and conspicuous." Even though many people keep saying ￿We have a warning to tell people about what smoking does to you.￿ Or ￿It￿s been on there since 1951, it￿s people￿s own choice.￿ It￿s really a cop-out for saying, ￿Listen, I know that you don￿t need to be smoking and it causes health issues, so I stuck this little warning on there to stop your bitching so you can￿t say I never warned you!￿

Philip Morris is just like these people. FUCK YOU PHILIP MORRIS! Why? Because they think that all the additives, all 599 of them should be free to be looked at only by their research team. They also hid information on what cigarettes and second hand smoke does to your health. They denied that smoking was detrimental to your health and people bought their bullshit. The Philip Morris tobacco industry is the biggest jackass of them all. Also, the fact that they WANTED to keep it secret... even though they themselves knew it was harmful.

I'm not going to be hypocritical. I admit that I myself smoke. Difference though, I am quitting. After I realized these issues myself, I decided that it was enough that I let my government control me. I am glad to know about those vaping devices nowadays, heck, it is the trend now and you can see many people ditching their bitchsticks and switching to these vaporizers. Clearly because for health reasons and many say that it is a very good way to kick the habit of traditional smoking. If you want to quit, try vaping (Go to to see reliable and advanced vaporizers). No wonder these vapes are a threat to tobacco companies. But I am not quitting because of health issues. I could give less of a shit really. People die every day from smoking, but the thing that those anti-smoking ads don￿t say is that they were old and smoked for YEARS. I don￿t even know why I started, but does anyone know? All I know is that people need to realize the truth, and I am here to help people realize that fact. --Squishy