Vug's Rant

Well, i'm stuck here studying for reasons that are unknown. yeah, they'll give me an explanation, but really, how's the quadratic formula going to help a homeless man on the street. those are the problems we need to be solving, not fucking linear equations (Algebra 1 blows...). So what, we deal with all of this and then we get ANGRY... yes, those angry kids who write songs on their electric guitars. well for some people its the only outlet. being in a strict GREEK family (i know its like the movie..) things are pretty oppressive. im not bitching or complaining, just stating that at times the greeks seem to like to have control. now i was born in South Carolina not Greece, but it may have traveled in my blood, but i try not to get carried away with it. nobody likes to be told what to do. i dont, and i try to treat others how i want to be treated. its not a religious thing, but more of a mindset.. i mean if you got shot in the head, it would hurt pretty fucking bad, so why inflict that pain to someone else? obviously i dont deal with anything this intense in my day to day life, but things like theft and what not i stay far away from. well i guess i did illegaly download Photoshop and other Adobe products, but who has that 600 dollars for image editing? i sure dont. what do i have... lets check the pockets.. and i leave you at that... check your own pockets analyze everything or its all pointless...