Copeland – beneath medicine tree

Copeland – beneath medicine tree

At time reminiscent of 1980’s-era Goo Goo Dolls, Copeland puts out an emotion filled disc in this, Copeland’s debut CD. Tempered by events surrounding the lead singer, Aaron Marsh, Copeland busts forth on the national scene from their new home base of Atlanta. Jangly guitars and splashy guitars weave a tapestry that is completed by the familiar-sounding voice of Aaron Marsh. Aurally similar to such acts as Starflyer 59 and el gigante, Copeland makes a disc that lends itself extremely well for the road trip, the rainy night when there is nothing else to do, or any other conceivable circumstance. Seemingly meshing the quickly-dying genre of emo with tried and true indie music, Copeland is able to reconcile a clean sound and preserving the message of each track. At times, however, the extremely contemplative tempo of the disc does tend to become repetitive, but the members of Copeland do include songs that will drive away any ennui on the disc. This phenomenon is most clearly captured in the extremely strong “when paula sparks”, with the sea of guitar licks washing over the tinny vocals of the track to make something akin to a piece of art. Pick this CD up from The Militia Group at

Rating : 7.6/10

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