Dave Patten – Too Close, Too Far

Dave Patten – Too Close, Too Far / 2006 Self / 15 Tracks / http://www.davepatten.com / Reviewed 14 December 2006

“Strength” shows Patten’s appreciation of bands like Creed and Nickelback, and while Patten’s instrumental approach does not touch much in the way of rock (the track blends together piano and keyboards), the intensity of Patten’s vocals cannot be denied. There is more than a fair share of blues in the aforementioned set of vocals, perhaps giving the tracks on this album a more timeless sound. “Remember When” is a much more a R&B styled-track, which brings Patten into an Uncle Kracker-type of approach.. The overall style of Patten has changed very little between the two tracks, but the vocals have shifted just enough to allow for Patten to create two tracks that are perhaps as far removed as two tracks can be. Again, “Remember When” has a certain intensity to the track that cannot be denied; even though the track is simple, Patten’s work turns it into something much more than its constituent parts.

Even when Patten slows down the tempo, as is the case during “Too Close, Too Far”, there is still enough of a reason to continue listening provided by Patten. This is in the face of the fact that there is only a small amount of output creating such a full sound. Patten definitely has the ability to make it big in the music industry, as the range achieved and the styles broached should clearly show. “Too Close, Too Far” is one of the only discs that does not suffer under the weight of 15 distinct tracks. Mst times, what happens is that individuals or bands do not know when a track should goi on the cutting room floor, and thus keeps it on the disc. Patten’s track seem to all share a solid grounding that allows all fifteen to remain on without there being any runts in this litter.

The inclusion of instrumental “Interlude” just further shows Patten’s ability as a musician. With all of these tracks on one album, too give listeners something to cleanse the palette is perhaps the smartest idea here. Individuals have over fifty minutes of Patten to listen to on “Too Close, Too Far”. I have little doubt that even the most fickle listener will be able to stick with the disc until there very end. The strong entrance back into vocal music during “Falling” shows that even an instrumental track will not wreck the momentum that Patten has created on earlier tracks on this disc. Pick it up.

Top Tracks: Too Close, Too Far, Falling

Rating: 6.7/10
