Park - No Signal

Park - No Signal / Lobster Records / 10 Tracks / / / Released : 2001. Reviewed 09.07.2003

Beginning the disc out with a continuation of the title, Park's "The Ghost You Are" winds down into a signal that disappears from the radar after being so strong just a few seconds before. While each track is skillfully layered by the musicians of Park, the truth is that a simple three-chord vein of punk bubbles just below the skin. The blond from this vein bubbles up at times during the disc, where it is too powerful to contain, as into the sneeringly-belted "Swell". The main problem that Park has are lyrics that are written in a stream-of-consciousness style, but are so aware of this world that a bizarre double-vision effect takes place when one tries to dissect the disc. For example, in "Know Your Enemy", Ladd's vocals detail a broken up couple, "We're just enough alike to make it worth your while / that should keep you smiling / I'll be the boy in the bed hoping you'll just pass me up / Move me on to the next one." . Trying to just isolate the lyrics from the larger context of the song also proves problematic, as in the aforementioned "Know Your Enemy", the repetitive guitar lines and pseudo-reversed drum beats are indicative of the constant going back to the ex-love. While some of Park's guitar lines and lyrics might be on the tad bit repetitive at tiimes, the sincerity of the music is what lifts up the band. The band deals wholly in matters that surround the listeners of the disc, and the vocals show individuals that are mired in these matters - not reveling above them.

Top Tracks : Know Your Enemy, Clue Me In

Rating : 6.9/10