Trendkill – No Longer Buried

Trendkill – No Longer Buried / 2006 Candlelight / 9 Tracks / / / Reviewed 08 August 2006

The band plays fast metal that uses the Slayer brand of drumming and typical metal screaming to come up with something that is pretty dark but not particularly innovative. The swirling guitars that are so dominant during a track like “Dedication” are a nice addition to the track, but again do not put Trendkill in a domain where few have been. The band has talent in creating music that individuals would like to hear but not in trying to be at the bleeding edge of music. It is this fact that keeps the band back from being at the top of the metal heap.

The one good thing about Trendkill is that the music that they play is not directly comparable to any other metal act out. There is not a conscious copping of music by the band. However, the band fits well in the middle ground of metal music, and the one thing that is needed on this album is something tangible to differentiate them from the pack. For example, during “Timeless Quality” the guitars parallel those of acts like Iced Earth. The fury exhibited by the vocalist of Trendkill is something that cannot be challenged; the band takes all the problems that surround eir during a normal day and focuses them into singing for this metal band.

During a song like “Break the Silence”, Trendkill moves into two different directions. One direction they go is towards a Raised Fist type of metal and hardcore blend, while there are hints of Pantera that thread themselves through the rest of the track. The slower vocals of “Break the Silence” are perhaps the most interesting change that Trendkill confront their listeners with on this album. The band can learn a few new tricks on “No Longer Buried”, even if most of the tracks on the disc do not push the envelope in terms of experimentation.

Trendkill has potential to be one of the better metal bands out on the market if they go and craft their own sound on further albums. As it is right now, the band feels blind, still trying to go and find their own specific sound with each subsequent track on “No Longer Buried”. Keep listening to Trendkill and chances are good that they will wow you with a future release. As it is right now, they still have miles to go before they can sleep

Top Tracks: One Step Closer, Timeless Quality

Rating: 5.7/10
