Vaeda – State of Nature

Vaeda – State of Nature / 2006 PlayTyme / 12 Tracks / / / Reviewed 04 October 2006

When one looks at the cover for “State of Nature”, one expects some hard rock act. However, by the time that a song like “All For You” starts, one will be shocked into reality. Vaeda plays a brand of emo music that is in the dominant paradigm of emo rock; very emotional vocals blend with intricate guitars, while the drums splash at all the right times. It does not take Vaeda a long time to get into the groove of things; “All For You” is a track that could conceivably be played on all of the rock stations that have gone head over heels for the emo phenomenon. The band may not be big yet, but each subsequent track on “State of Nature” does its own in trying to change that sad fact. This is a greatest hits disc done by a band that’s still new; each song could be easily climbing up the charts right now. It is not that Vaeda sticks in the emo style throughout the entirety of tracks on “State of Nature” that predicates their success, but rather that the band is able to blend this style with more normal hard rock in the creation of something new and always exciting.

The only thing that really holds back Vaeda at points has to be the level of development of lyrics like “Wait Your Turn”. In this track, the band goes for the easiest lyrics, which include the gem ”now that I’ve learned, you have to wait your turn”. The lyrics are not as base as this for the rest of the disc, but still could use some development at times. The band does not grind to a halt with later tracks on “State of Nature”, as late-disc tracks like “Bite My Tongue” still give listeners a high amount of energy and catchy lyrics to keep them interested in what Vaeda has to say and play.

The disc may be over three-fourths of an hour, but the band has more than enough material to finish out this disc with. I want to hear more of what Vaeda has up their sleeves for their future albums; here’s to hoping that the band is able to stick together and release another album here soon. The band will be able to reach the stars if they do just that; pick up this album and see what you’ve been missing.

Top Tracks: 1.25, Bite My Tongue

Rating: 7.0/10
