Steve Diet Goedde – Living Through Photographic Anthology 1990-2004

Steve Diet Goedde – Living Through Photographic Anthology 1990-2004 /2006 MVD / 120+ Minutes / / Reviewed 15 October 2006

It’s a still photograph porno film! No, seriously, what Steve Diet Goedde does on “Living Through” is put music to each and every picture on this DVD. There are over 700 pictures on this disc, and feature individuals like Porcelain Twinz, Aria Giovanni and Dita Von Teese. For those individuals that want a cheap collection of adult-ish pictures, “Living Through” may just be the collection for you. However, there are a few other reasons why individuals should decide to pick up this DVD. First off are the interviews that are conducted with the models, which include those individuals previously mentioned plus Emily Marilyn and Gina Velour.

However, what seems to be the strongest point of the DVD is that there is a commentary with Goedde eirself that really allows viewers to get in eir head and understand why exactly these photo sets came to fruition. Keep in mind though that what Goedde does can be construed as more “art” based; the pictures never get much more intense than some nudity strewn throughout. Goedde is not trying to Mappelthrope eir audience, but keeps everything on the side of art rather than straight pornography. I’m not sure exactly what else there is to say about this DVD; “Living Through”;s organization is such that pictures from the same photoshoot are placed together, allowing for a story to be told. There is extensive use of black and white photography as well as color here, allowing for a more classic feel to be given to those black and white galleries that is not normally present in those color galleries. For those individuals that are into the Bettie Page groove, what Steve Diet Goedde does with a number of these photo sets is increase the resolution and create a modern allure to what is a classic type of pin up art form. The interesting thing about the creator of this DVD (Slish Pix) is that Goedde’s DVD is just one of the first in the “Living Through” series. One can only expect other photographers to be honored in the same way in the next few years. Perhaps an addition that can be made to some of the future volumes of Living Through would be short movies that parallel the photo sets being taken.

Thus, one can see the still shots and also get an idea of the context that they were culled from. Doing that, I would have to think that individuals can then get a better idea of the motives and desires of the photographers. I do not know if Slish Pix would be able to send a film crew into different photo shoots, but if this could be done I think that the stock in this series would rise immensely. There are not many extra-DVD materials, but all of the information that one could possibly need or want about Goedde is contained on the disc itself. I know I will be checking out more DVDs from Slish Pix here in the near future.

Rating: 5.9/10
