Tiamat – The Church of Tiamat

Tiamat – The Church of Tiamat / 2006 MVD / 95 Minutes / http://www.churchoftiamat.com / http://www.mvdb2b.com / Reviewed 11 August 2006

Wow, Tiamat has a lot of stuff to give their fans on “The Church of Tiamat”. Yes, it is really a bible of the band that any true fan should pick up. Of course, there is a concert to watch, but just one glance at the bonus section and one will be shocked. There are extra music videos, an interview, a biography and discography, and more just residing there for individuals to sink their teeth into. The “studio” music videos are all captured perfectly; the transfer seems to have gone well. In much of the same way (the main attraction), the concert is captured perfectly.

Tiamat’s own special blend of metal, both black and classic, along with a little bit of goth music, is able to hit individuals watching the DVD as it much have rocked the fans that actually made it to this concert. I say this all the time, but the soundboard present on this album is perfect; MVD really needs to see about purchasing the rights and releasing the soundtracks from some of these DVDs in much the way as the John Hammond “Paris Concert” DVD and CD. There might be less buys of the DVD, but I have a feeling that there would be a decent amount of individuals that will buy both and even some individuals that might not have a DVD purchasing just the CD. Being “metal” as hell means that the lights are a little lower than they would be for any other rock or pop act; there are a lot of red lights being used where there would normally be a bright blue or yellow light.

Recording a concert of a band that has been out for a long time (as is the case with Tiamat) also allows those that might be new to the band to use the tracks as a sort of “greatest hits”. Of course, there will be a focus on the newer tracks, and some fan favorites might be left out, but the band collects a strong batch of hits for “The Church of Tiamat”. Tiamat has not lost even a step from when they started out all those years ago; in fact, the added age of this band might have actually smoothed out some of the more jagged compositions that were present on earlier albums. For the price, there just is so much that individuals get; I could totally see this being present in a boxed set for twice the price and individuals still would feel as if they got a deal. Just listen to the impressive guitar solos that are strewn throughout the entirety of the DVD, and one will understand why. For fans of goth, metal, and of hard rock in general, “The Church of Tiamat” is the next DVD to pick up for your collection. There is nothing holding this DVD from being one of the most memorable metal DVDs of the year. Borrow a copy from a friend, be amazed by it, and buy your own copy.

Rating: 7.4/10
